Questioning and predicting
• Demonstrate curiosity and a sense of wonder about the
• Observe objects and events in familiar contexts
• Ask simple questions about familiar objects and events
• Make simple predictions about familiar objects and events
- Knowing our Land
- Questions for Experts
Processing and analyzing data and information
• Experience and interpret the local environment
• Recognize First Peoples stories (including oral and written narratives), songs, and art, as ways to share knowledge
• Discuss observations
• Represent observations and ideas by drawing charts and simple pictographs
• Sort and classify data and information using drawings, pictographs and provided tables
• Compare observations with predictions through discussion
• Identify simple patterns and connections
-sort organisms based on observed features
-Sort into living/non-living
-read clues to identify animal
-lessons from Mother Earth
-plant and animal sort
• Compare observations with those of others
• Consider some environmental consequences of their actions
-Knowing our Land
Applying and innovating
• Take part in caring for self, family, classroom and school through personal approaches
• Transfer and apply learning to new situations
• Generate and introduce new or refined ideas when problem solving
-Knowing our Land
-The Little Hummingbird
- Share observations and ideas orally
- Express and reflect on personal experiences of place
- Communicate observations and ideas using oral or written language, drawing, or role-play
- Express and reflect on personal experiences of place
-describe personal features
-share how they identify animal
-use drawings of adaptation
-Migration and Hibernation
-Knowing our Land